
Factory Automation



Mitsubishi Electric's FA exhibit at SCF2015 (System Control Fair 2015)

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The Solutions Zone offers demonstrations of various solutions for realizing an e-F@ctory.

Drive Control Solutions [Converting]

Proposal of optimal solutions to suit the equipment

Together with the increased machine performance and complexity required by today's factories,production speed, quality improvement, and energy-saving are all urgent issues.
Mitsubishi Electric uses software packed with technical know-how and the most advanced FA devices and products in the industry to help solve the problems of our customers and propose optimal packages corresponding to the equipment and application.

Converting demonstration unit

Key features

  • 1. Optimized Monozukuri and improved productivity/quality
  • 2. Proposal of ideal solutions with diverse FA equipment, products, and know-how
  • 3. All in One Network offers flexible system structure

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Drive Control Solutions [Transport]

Proposal of optimal drive solutions to suit the site

Transport work required on various sites.
Solves a variety of problems even for simple carrying tasks, including multiple product compatibility, production speed and employee safety.
Mitsubishi Electric's FA device product group packed with advanced technolog finely corresponds to the challenges of the customer, supporting various requirements relating to transport.

Crane demonstration unit

Loader/unloader demonstration unit

Key features

  • 1. Supports crane work on various sites
  • 2. Increased automated transport speed between factory equipment

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Cooperative solutions for personnel and machinery

Safer production facilities

Factory automation continues to progress. Still, it is "people" who are expected to exert their utmost efforts to improve production efficiency and error management.
Various solutions are available to improve production efficiency by achieving safe and smooth cooperation between production facilities / devices and "people".
Furthermore, monitoring solutions using cameras help to prevent improper production processes, allowing easier analysis in the event of a problem and contributing to the improved safety of production facilities.

Safety solutions demonstration unit

Key features

  • 1. Safe collaborative work with people and machinery
  • 2. Monitors suspicious activity or unauthorized use
  • 3. Timely reporting of facility and device status from anywhere at any time

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Work supporting solutions

Accurate instructions eliminate work mistakes

Production bases with changing personnel and personnel with multiple nationalities have meant increasing numbers of production site workers with limited experience.
Moreover, demand for lower volumes of multiple product types to be manufactured sequentially is increasing.
However, efficient work without mistakes is still required for such cases.
Work supporting solutions including component kitting, fastening with electric drivers, picking up of typical work, clear indication of working procedures to suit the product being manufactured, etc., improve productivity and prevent work mistakes.

Hands-on thread fastening demonstration unit

Hands-on fool-proofing demonstration unit

Key features

  • 1. Prevents mistakes or blunders with kitting work
  • 2. Prevent mistakes with assembly work and screw tightening

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